
I am an Affiliate Fellow at the economic policy think tank Bruegel.

My academic research focuses on questions at the intersection of Public Economics and Financial Economics. In my PhD thesis, I investigate the effects of pension fund investment on firm productivity and innovation in Denmark. I have experience working with large administrative datasets and collecting new data from outside stakeholders. I  obtained my PhD degree from the Department of Economics at Copenhagen Business School

I am also interested in informing policy discussions through research, particularly related to pension policy and ageing populations. From 2014 to 2016, I worked as a consultant at the OECD's Long-term Investment Project, working on topics such as infrastructure investment for the G20 and other bodies. At Bruegel, my work includes the BB-Future project to understand the implications of ageing populations for long-term care policies in Europe.

I am affiliated with the Pension Research Centre (PeRCent) at Copenhagen Business School.

Department of Economics

Copenhagen Business School

Porcelænshaven 16A

2000 Frederiksberg





PhD in Economics, 2023

Copenhagen Business School

M.Sc. Economics, 2018

Bocconi University

B.Sc. Economics, 2014

Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich